Ongoing Cytosponge research

Project DELTA: Integrated diagnostic solution for early detection of oesophageal cancer

The DELTA project is developing an approach that could enable the NHS to identify people at risk of oesophageal cancer and provide them with a Cytosponge test.

Introduction into the NHS was accelerated during Covid-19 since endoscopy procedures were limited due to concerns about high aerosol generation and risk of virus spread. In DELTA and NHS implementation clinics patients are offered the Cytosponge if they experience reflux symptoms.

You can read more about the DELTA project at:

BEST4 Platform
Cancer Research UK (CRUK) and the National Institute for Health and Care Research (NIHR) are supporting the £6.4million implementation BEST4 trial (co-led by Peter Sasieni and Rebecca Fitzgerald) designed to provide the cancer detection and mortality data necessary to establish whether Cytosponge-TFF3 test could be used as part of a routine screening programme in individuals with a history of heartburn.
Please click here to find out more.